Our company is an autism-behavioral consulting company that offers support in the areas of social, friendship, behavioral challenges, academic collaboration, play and independent living skills.
The ABA Therapy services can take place in your home, child’s school (with permission from the school) and the community (playground, birthday parties, or any public spaces where you and your family face difficulty).
Depending on what insurance authorizes, we can work directly with your child 1-1, support your child when they play with other children, and provide strategies for your family on how to have more harmony in your home in regards to your child with behavioral challenges.
Based on the child’s stamina and age, sessions typically last for 1-2 hours each visit. Some last 45 minutes, some last 1.5 hours; it all depends on what you’re looking for. We would ask insurance for a set of hours per week and then you can create a schedule that fits best.
A BCBA (Board Certified Behavior Analyst) oversees your child’s program and collaborates with parents and family. An ABA Therapist would work directly with your child.
How to have ABA therapy paid for:
1. Contact your health insurance company to solidify that your plan has ABA coverage.
2. Contact an in-network ABA provider.
3. The BCBA and you will discuss your child’s strengths, reinforcers, interests, problem behaviors, goals and more.
4. The BCBA will submit a report to your insurance carrier.
5. The wait begins... sometimes it can take from 10-30 days for insurance to approve the ABA request.
6. If approved, insurance will authorize a six-month interval of ABA therapy.
7. Insurance will list the dates of the authorization period and the number of ABA hours approved.
8. As the six-month interval comes to a close, your team can decide if continuing with the ABA therapy is beneficial and proceed accordingly.
1. Schedule a team meeting with school personnel.
2. At the team meeting, be open and honest about behavioral struggles that are occurring at home.
3. Provide the school team with evidence, such as video clips, frequency data on problematic behavior, etc.
4. Request to have a CSE (Committee for Special Education) meeting to determine whether the district will approve the ABA therapy at home.
5. Attend the CSE and provide the committee with your evidence.
6. If approved, the ABA therapy will have a set start date and end date.
7. If you would like the ABA therapy to continue through the summer and/or the next school year, then another CSE meeting will need to take place.
8. Keep clean records and clear data to present at your next CSE.